Um, what about the stabbings in London, the people ramming people with cars at Christmas markets in Germany, the stabbing of Theo van Gogh in the Netherlands... do you honestly believe that if guns disappeared tomorrow, murders would stop?
What about my friend whose ex was breaking into her apartment, beating her up and raping her. She called the police and filed a restraining order. He still broke in and raped her. Then she got a gun. The next time he showed up, she pointed it at him. He never came back. You see, it's harder for a smaller, weaker person to defend themselves without a gun. Now, would you be willing to look her in the eye and say "sorry, it's not my problem"? Because nothing else worked for her, or my other friend who got a gun to keep herself safe.
Also, have you ever read history of authoritarian societies? I'm going to mention some things that you can easily verify for yourself if you so choose.
Samurai Japan - only samurai were allowed to have swords and other weapons. Guess how oppressed the peasants were?
Under the "Slave Codes" the blacks in the American South were not allowed to have guns. How many lynchings do you think happened because blacks could not defend themselves? How about Tulsa's burning?
What about the fact that the Jews were disarmed prior to Kristalnacht and the Cambodians were disarmed prior to the Khmer Rouge slaughter?
Also, here is an interesting interview with John Lott, who has published several research articles on the connection of guns and crime:
Note, background checks and other sensible restrictions lower death so I'm not in favor of a free-for-all. But it's just not true that guns alone are the problem because if they were - then this article wouldn't exist:
It shows no correlation between gun-related homicides and strict laws, though there is a correlation between loose laws and suicides. Maybe suicide prevention is a good reason for gun restrictions but maybe invest more in mental health services instead?