What people seem to forget — the law does not just give refuge to Hindus, but also to Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains… in other words, how can this be a Hindu nationalist law when other groups are explicitly also being given refuge?
I have also been following the coverage on programs like NPR and it’s really distressing to me because it is so one-sided. Of course India is a sectarian state. INDIA HAS MANY NON-HINDUS!
How many non-Muslims live in Pakistan? In Bangladesh? In Afghanistan? If I, as a Christian, wanted to practice my faith in those countries, how would I be treated? The fate of Asia Bibi and others who are persecuted in those countries speaks loudly.
Whereas, in India, there are Jewish communities. There are Christian communities. There are Sikh temples and Buddhist temples. The Afghans destroyed a 2000 year old statue of the Buddha. That was a loss of something of great historical value. It’s a tragedy. Yet somehow Hindus are the ones who are to blame when they are welcoming to so many different groups?
If the law ONLY allowed Hindus to come to India — I’d get it. But the law explicitly allows MANY religious groups to come to India.
And, India has a very large Muslim minority. How is it that, after partition, India kept so many Muslims while Pakistan and E. Pakistan (now Bangladesh) did not keep Hindus?
The Western liberals seem to make excuses for Muslims which is not based on fact. Muslims can be anti-Semitic, for example, and they get a pass.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think it’s OK to oppress Muslims. I think the Muslim citizens of India should be treated fairly. I think Muslims living in the US should not face discrimination. We are all human beings and I want everyone to be treated with respect regardless of religion.
But it’s INSANE to deny facts!!!!
Thank you for this article.