what you may not realize - most of the people I have known who are pro-life are also pro-child. for example, the last church I was a member of helped an unwed mother who wanted to keep her child by providing her with a variety of services - church members helped her keep her car running, went with her for pre-natal checkups, invited her for dinner and helped her with free babysitting. They gave her the support she needed so she could raise her child as a poor, single, unwed mother.
The church I am currently a member of regularly donates both time and money to help homeless families and their children.
It's not an either/or. Whenever I've volunteered with soup kitchens, food pantries and other charities, the MAJORITY of my fellow volunteers have been Christian. When Katrina hit, the Southern Baptists were the first to arrive on the scene with bottled water. They beat the Red Cross and other government agencies. (Note, I am not a S. Baptist, but I respect the volunteer work that they do that makes a difference, just like I respect Catholic charities and so on.)