Member-only story
Where We See Failure, God Sees Opportunity
He sees us differently than we see ourselves
Failure is part of being human. Whether it’s meeting a weight loss goal, a financial goal, or a spiritual one — failure can hit us hard. Yet failure is inevitable in life, because we are only human.
How do we view ourselves after we fail?
We might feel discouraged, particularly if we sacrificed a lot to achieve a goal and yet fell short. We might feel ashamed, upset, sad, frustrated, and/or angry.
When we talk to other people after our failure, sometimes we’re greeted with their disappointment in us, which only adds to our sense of failure. Other times, we will meet encouragement. People will offer kind words or provide suggestions or comfort.
People might take you out for a drink after you lose your job or break-up with your partner. They might offer to pray with you.
All of this is great, but can it heal your heart? Can it provide more than a temporary stop-gap in your feelings of failure?
However, what if we go before God and confess to Him our feelings of failure and shame? How does God respond?
Remember, He has the heart of a loving and gentle Father when we go to Him in our sorrow.