Whether or not you are pro-life or pro-choice, how can you be OK with allowing a newborn to just die without offering care? That is incredibly inhumane. I would not be able to watch a dog or cat die like that, let alone a fellow human being.
I am not saying this as someone who would outlaw all abortions, but at some point it does cease to be a bunch of cells and is recognizably human. We can quibble about the demarcation line, but ONCE IT'S BORN seems to be a pretty clear marker.
At that point, if we refuse to acknowledge its right to life, we are dehumanizing ourselves. What is the difference between this and what happened in concentration camps and still happens in places like China, where the Uyghurs, Falun Gong and so forth are killed in order to harvest their organs?
Again, I say this as someone who is OK with abortion early in the pregnancy.