Why do so many people on here have reading comprehension issues?
1. I never said trans women would rape women. What I said is that women who have experienced trauma don't want to see a penis. For a woman who has been raped, the penis may seem like a weapon.
2. I find it sad that trans people want empathy but seem unable to give empathy to women who have experienced trauma. It seems very narcissistic to only focus on your own problems and not be able to see someone else's POV. You want biological women to sympathize with your issues, and for the most part we do, yet you seem unwilling or unable to return the favor. Is it because you are a narcissist and unable to see another POV, or some other mental issue?
3. I have no issues with trans people, I simply don't want to see strange penises, and don't know many women who would. If a trans woman wants to use a woman's restroom, that is no problem - she can use a stall just like any other woman and since there is no exposure, no one will care if she has a penis.
However, there are mentally ill people who want to expose themselves to others. This is rude and can be traumatic. Some of these mentally ill people are men or women; a few might be trans people. I suspect Ms. Yaniv, who kept asking women to give her penis a Brazilian wax, is one of those types. Aside from the fact that it takes special training to get the hair off a penis, most women don't want to touch a strange penis. For Ms. Yaniv to try to force the issue was extremely narcissistic and rude. He essentially showed that he did not care about the other person's needs or feelings, only for what he wanted.
Note: I consider trans people to be human beings. That means there are good and bad people. For the most part, trans people just want to be left alone and they should be. I have shared a restroom with at least one trans woman (that I know of) and I wrote an article about it. It was not an issue.
However, when an exhibitionist who happens to be trans decides to show off their penis to women and little girls in a bathroom or changing room - that IS a problem. Fortunately most trans people are not so dysfunctional and rude.
If you feel compelled to defend and support exhibitionists such as Ms. Yaniv, or if you feel compelled to downplay the real trauma women face (whether they are biological women or trans - and trans women are also raped) when they are raped, then you are part of the problem. You are a misogynist. If you are trans, I don't know how you square that - wanting to be a woman while showing no support or sympathy for the very real trauma many of them have experienced.