Member-only story
Women And Easter
They were the first to proclaim Christ had risen
Today our Pastor, who is a woman, preached a sermon based on the first verses of Luke.
According to vs. 1–12, the women arrived at the tomb with prepared spices to rub on Jesus’ corpse. I can’t imagine what they were feeling. They were mourning the loss of someone they loved, yet they showed up to do their duty.
This must be familiar to most women who will get up from their sickbed to help a sick child or ailing family member.
Yet, the women found the stone rolled away from the tomb. Jesus was gone! The women wondered what had happened. Then two angels came on the scene. They told the women: “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!”
The women, who included Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and others, ran to the apostles. But none of them believed the women — they thought they were spewing garbage. Only Peter went to the tomb to check.
My pastor pointed out that the women at the tomb became the first evangelists after the Resurrection. She said, if we wanted to be historically accurate, women should always preach the Easter sermon.
Too often in modern times women have been portrayed as spiritually weak. Yet the Bible clearly tells…