Wow, full of rage much?
Interesting how you don’t address the points I made, where I basically call out your lies about me. You’re not interested in the truth or anyone else’s opinion, you just want to have tantrums.
Well, you have the right to say whatever you like. You can say red is blue if you like. I have the right not to be bothered. I’ve blocked you.
Because you only care about what you have to say. You’re not interested in a different opinion. You are close minded.
I freely acknowledge that my experience is not everyone’s, and that some people have experienced different things than I have. Because I am a mature person, I listen to other viewpoints and try to learn and grow.
You will never learn and grow because you are stuck in your own perspective, unwilling to look at any others. That is sad and sorta pathetic. I feel sorry for you but I don’t want to waste my time with someone who is unwilling or unable to learn, to grow and to become a better person.