Wow. Thanks for providing links.
if I tried to determine how much a house was worth, I’d look at the neighborhood (is it in a good school district and close to roads, etc.), the structural quality of the house, when it was built, how many rooms it has, and so on. These are the questions I’ve asked realtors.
One question I’ve never asked — what is the color of the people who live inside these houses? Because… why does it matter?
The fact that it does says something very disturbing.
However, for black people, there may be a silver lining. If you are a black professional, for example, you can more easily afford a good house in a neighborhood of other black professionals …
I wish I had thought about this when younger and struggling financially. Because I may have been able to afford a house sooner. I would have been fine living in a black neighborhood, as long as my neighbors were cool with me not being black. I’ve visited black churches and music venues and felt welcome so would have at least given it a shot.