yeah, except as the author points out, a 60 year old guy is not going to do as good a job protecting his pregnant bride as a 30 year old guy when it comes to tigers and such. And women who get pregnant too young are more likely to die giving birth or having other complications. In medieval Europe, the average age of a normal woman (not nobility) to get married was early to mid-20s and average age for a man was 3-4 years older. Given that women mature emotionally sooner than men, that puts them on an equal footing.
For men who actually view women as potential equal partners - they want a woman who can bring as much to the relationship. For men who view women as property - of course they want someone easier to control.
BTW, in ancient India, the average age for a woman to get married was also early 20s. The reason it changed - the Muslim invasion. Where women are treated well and with respect, they tend to marry a bit later. Where women are powerless and objectified, they tend to be forced to marry way before they want to, like in Afghanistan where 12 year olds are sold to old men.