Yeah, except if you read the background of school shooters - Salvador Ramos in Uvalde had a drug addict for a mother, no father, and then he was sent to live with his grandparents. This is NOT a nuclear family, it is a BROKEN family.
With the Columbine shooters - the parents were divorced. I haven't looked at every school shooting, but I used to know a guy who worked with a prison ministry and he told me that the prisoners would almost always send mother's day cards, seldom father's day ones. Why? Most came from broken homes with no father around.
Studies that have been done show that children raised without a father are more likely to be incarcerated (for men) or sexually active at a younger age (for women).
Here is some research. I am not just blowing my own opinion out of my ass. I wouldn't have cared if the data went the other way, I just like to look at actual data.
One source is an article from The Atlantic, the other from the Brookings Institute.