You didn't marry his parents, you married him. His parents are under no obligation to give you or their grandkids any of their money. It's their money.
Now, we can make the argument that a decent person would not want to leave their grandkids in poverty. But that's a moral issue, not a legal one.
No one owes you anything, except for a few cases - parents supporting dependent children, for example, and spouses who promise to care for each other.
The other huge issue - why the heck was your ex taking out loans in your name, etc.? Hopefully you are wiser now, but, again - it's the 21st century. If you're married to a man who wants to take out a loan in your name and you don't want to do it - you say no.
And there is no reason your husband couldn't have been a stay-at-home parent instead of you if that would have solved the problem - you work and make an income, he stays home and keeps the house clean, cares for the kids, etc. I've seen families do that, and it can work.
I don't know the whole story, obviously, just this article, but the best way to be happy in my experience is not to assume people are obligated to care about you. Again, decent people would care about their grandchildren but not everyone is decent and you just set yourself up for disappointment if you expect decency from people who are not.