out of curiosity - what do you think the definition of classic liberal is?
It's obvious to me that you either have reading comprehension issues or have not read the article. I offer many well researched links as well as quotes by progressive labor leaders.
a factual based critique of my article would have been interesting. That might have created an interesting and productive dialog. Of course, that would take effort on your part as well as some intellectual heft.
It's very easy to insult others but much harder to actually defend your point of view and even harder to make the case that you are right. Simply using the popular buzzwords of the day is something a parrot can be trained to do.
I would love it if you could back up the case you are making that all our ills are due to capitalism. I think that is a simplistic viewpoint, but if you could prove it, that would be very interesting. I challenge you to do so and educate people.