You make some good points, but I disagree with you assuming most Christians hate gay people. (If I misunderstood you, I apoloigize.)
Would you write the same about Islamic fanatics who murder in the name of Allah, or who justify beating their wives in his name?
The reality is - most Muslims are decent people. Most are not murderers. But there are a few who are.
Same with Christians. I've been going to church for the past 34 years. I used to be a Hindu, then an agnostic.
At any rate, of the MANY sermons I've heard over 34 years - only ONCE did the pastor say anything that was anti-gay. Several Christian denominations accept gay and lesbian pastors. My current church has had marriage ceremonies for gay people including the lesbian daughter of one of the elders.
I still remember going to a tiny church in rural Texas, and the pastor asked a study group what they would do if a gay person came to our church. The first person to respond was a 78 year old man who said, "Welcome him. Invite him for barbecue after church." This guy always had a barbecue after church and newcomers were always invited.
While I know there are people like the ones you describe, even living in the Bible Belt, I have only ever heard anti-gay bigotry ONCE from the pulpit. I never went back to that church. I HAVE had to hear it more often from church members, but that has not happened in years.
I know that in the past, most churches were anti-gay, but until recently, most of society was bigoted against gays, including atheists and others in New York City. I know, 'cause I grew up there and when friends of mine came out, many so-called liberals ostracized them. Many of these people were also atheists. One of my lesbian friends was afraid to tell me she was coming out because when she told several other friends, they stopped being her friend.
I hate bigotry. But I personally have found it rare. That is just my experience however and your experience is also valid.