You raise some interesting points, and I agree with you that there is a serious flaw when young girls don't realize they have more to offer than their bodies.
However, the critics of this film also make some good points and many are sincerely concerned about pedophilia and sexual exploitation.
For example, Tulsi Gabbard has spoken up in the past about this issue. She has personal experience through a friend whose child was abused. Many of the Christian critics who are upset about this movie are involved in programs to help at-risk youth.
Don't get me wrong - I'm against death threats. I was angry when the staff of Charlie Hebdo had death threats by Islamic fanatics because of some cartoons and I'm angry at death threats by fanatic Christians as well.
However, I personally know Christians who are working to end the sexual exploitation of children.
I've participated in a dance-athon at a friend's church to raise money for a Christian charity that rescues girls from the sex trade. They are given safe spaces to live, hooked up with mentors, given assistance to finish their education, and helped to reintegrate into society.
There are actually many organizations that help victims of the sex trade. Some are faith based. Most operate under the radar. There are reasons for this. Volunteers are often at risk as pimps, gangsters, etc., don't like their source of income taken from them.
At any rate, all decent people should be against the exploitation of children. Sometimes the church itself is the guilty party. When that happens, Christians need to be willing to take a hard look at themselves as well.