You're not entirely accurate. President Trump stopped flights from China and was called a racist for it back in January. He was trying to stop the spread of the pandemic.
I did not vote for Trump and I don't like him on a personal level, but he's done better than I expected. If you look at US death rates per million, we are lower than many places. If you exclude NYC, we actually are doing quite well.
Trump does listen to Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx. He did impose a lock down. Those doctors are quite competent. Sometimes Trump disagrees with them but they generally get their way on policy.
Here's the thing though - an economic shut down also causes death. Suicide rates have skyrocketed and so have cases of domestic violence.
Trump has called for the opening of the country but it's at the discretion of governors. Unlike Bolsonaro, he has not tried to stop Governors like Cuomo or Whitmer who are keeping their states locked down. He is not being an authoritarian, which surprised me. Instead, he has given Governors a lot of power. Some, like Cuomo, have used that power to keep their states shut down.
And, frankly, a shut down in a place like NYC makes sense. Riding the subway right now should be avoided. But in a place like rural Montana, it's a different story.
Trump is allowing Governors to decide what is appropriate for their states. That is sensible. In my state, the lock down is ending but people are still being advised to wear masks, maintain social distance, wash hands, etc. All of which makes sense. Businesses can operate while still taking extra precautions.
I know for myself, I will not patronize a place of business that is not enforcing safety procedures. I will continue to wear a mask in public places.